
How to use OIST Database of Regulated Agents

About the search area

About the search area

The search area enables you to perform: 

  • Selection of law
  • Selection of organism name
  • Selection of chemical material name
  • Selection of disease name
  • Keyword search

For the above-mentioned items, lists are displayed of data pertaining to law, related organism and chemical material names, as well as related diseases (only for OIST Database of Regulated Agents related organism) and attached tables.

Using “Selection of law”

    1. From the drop-down list for “Selection of law,” select the law that you want to view.

Selection of law

    1. Click the “Display” button.
    2. The corresponding list of search results from the Database of Regulated Agents will appear.

Database of Regulated Agents will appear

Using “Selection of organism name (Selection of chemical material name)”

    1. Enter the organism name (chemical material name) in the “Keyword entry” box in the Selection of organism name (Selection of chemical material name) section. The organism names (chemical material names) registered in the database will appear for the keyword entered. Select the organism name (chemical material name) that you want to view from the list.

Select the organism name (chemical material name)

    1. Click the “Display” button.
    2. The corresponding list of organism names (chemical material name) will appear.

list of organism names (chemical material name)

Using “Selection of disease name”

    1. From the drop-down list for “Selection of disease,” select the disease that you want to view.

Selection of disease name

  1. Click the “Display” button.
  2. “Keyword search” run on the selected disease.

Using “Keyword search”

    1. In the Keyword search section, enter the keyword you wish to search for in the “Keyword entry box.”

Keyword search

    1. Click the “Search” button.
    2. Depending on the keyword selected, the corresponding Database of Regulated Agents search results list, the list of organism name (chemical material name), the attached table, or the related disease list will appear.

Search Results

About Database of Regulated Agents search results lists

The lists display the law names and their contents, and the related organism or chemical material names.

Explanation of the Database of Regulated Agents search results list

The Database of Regulated Agents search results list displays the following items:

  • Organism name (or chemical material name)
  • Notes (notes on the organism name or chemical material name)
  • Related diseases (only for Database of Regulated Agents related organism)
  • Name of law
  • Class and sub-class (If the law has a hierarchy, then the class and sub-class names are displayed
    Example: Salmonella enterica (Subject organism)
    Act on Domestic Animal Infectious Diseases Control (Law)
    └Monitored Infectious Diseases (Class)
    └Notifiable infectious diseases (Sub-class)
  • Regulation content
  • Government agency responsible
  • Remarks
  • Attached table